About - Ronquillo Law Firm - Personal Injury & Immigration Lawyer - Boulder, CO


At the Ronquillo Law Firm, our team is comprised of honest and hardworking people. Here, we  all have an immigrant story.  Because of our shared immigrant history, we all work well together.  We all share the same passion for helping people, especially those who need it the most. 

We are not your typical law firm. Our approach is grassroots. We have dedicated the last 10 years to working with our communities from the ground up. We have worked with most of Colorado’s non-profit organizations that are truly working to help our communities. Attorney Ronquillo has given talks at many community centers, churches, schools, and libraries to educate our community members on their rights. 

“We have a record of standing up for the little guy. Whether it is against a big insurance company in an auto accident case or against the government in an immigration case. In the end, it is the same fight.” 

People who are injured in a car accident need the best representation possible. Without a lawyer, your insurance will not be there to help you. You need a trustworthy lawyer who will stand up for you. Similarly, immigration law is extremely complicated and you want to make sure you have a team like ours on your side. 

Samuel Ronquillo

Samuel Ronquillo grew up on the border, in El Paso, Texas. There, he witnessed firsthand the injustices resulting from a complicated and unfair immigration system. This inspired Samuel to pursue a career in law. Since then, he has dedicated his entire to career in fighting for immigrant rights and for those who usually do not have a voice. His work includes helping people remain in this country as well as representing people who have suffered injuries from an auto accident. With honest and kindhearted communication, Samuel has helped our Colorado communities feel safer by proving them with the honest and competent legal representation.


Rocio Quiroz

Rocio was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. She is the daughter of Mexican immigrants who came to the U.S. for a better life. As a result of her family background and her own experiences, she is also passionate about helping the immigrant community. She has seen too many people suffer because of their immigration status in the U.S., and what she loves most is helping to reunite families. Rocio is always thrilled when she is able to hand clients their green card or give them long-awaited and life-changing news. Rocio is a certified paralegal with over seven years of immigration legal experience. She attended IBMC College in Colorado and received an associates degree in Paralegal studies. She continues her education and is close to receiving a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice. Her long-life goal is to attend law school and become an immigration attorney. Rocio is happily married to Jose and together they have 3 boys, Alexander, Jullien and Liam. They enjoy spending time playing baseball together and have a dog named Andy Boy. Rocio also enjoys baking and does side jobs with her sister. They want to open a bakery/café in the future. 

Rosy Quiroz

Rosy was born in Valle de Santiago, Guanajuato. Thirty-eight years ago, when Rosy was only one year old, her parents migrated to the United States to look for a better life. They left everything behind, their family, their language, their culture, and their traditions. Thanks to the amnesty in 1986, her family was able to legalize their status to Permanent Residents. At the age of 16, Rosy became a US Citizen through her father. Rosy would stay up late helping her father study for the civics test and get him ready for his naturalization interview. Rosy grew up in Longmont, CO and graduated from Longmont High School in 2010. For many years, Rosy worked at El Comite de Longmont as an advocate. Her passion is helping others stand up for their rights so that they can have a voice. Rosy lead the Citizenship program at El Comite where she would help permanent residents become US Citizens. Rosy has been married to Alejandro and together they have a precious boy named Alan as well as 3 pets “Maui” “Sofi” “Totti”. Rosy enjoys spending time with family, being outdoor and family cook outs.

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